ideal adj. 1.理想的,典型的。 2.观念的;想像的;空想的;不切实际的。 3.唯心论的;理想主义的。 an ideal place for a holiday 度假的理想场所。 ideal happiness 想像中的幸福。 n. 理想;典型;模范;空想的事物;【数学】理想子环,理想数。 beau ideal 十全十美的理想。 the I- and the Real 理想与现实。 That is only an ideal. 那仅仅是空想。 adv. -ly
Multiple attribute interval decision making method by similarity to ideal point 多指标区间决策的理想点贴近法
Application of ideal points methods to optimization and evaluation of undeveloped reserves 理想点法在未开发储量优选评价中的应用
The ideal point decision making method and its application based on monte - carlo simulation 基于蒙特卡洛仿真的理想点决策方法及其应用
And from an ideal point of view , richness of cultural life is a spiritual value worth pursuing in its own right 从理想面而言,文化生活的充实是值得追求的一种精神价值。
My fifteenth birthday is the ideal point to run away from home . any earlier and it ' d be too soon . any later and i would have missed my chance 我觉得十五岁生日是最适合离家出走的时间。这以前过早,以后又太晚。
Now that we have a handle on the background of databases - and - php , this is an ideal point to mention some of the design goals behind pdo 至此我们已经掌握了数据库及php的背景知识,现在正好可以提及pdo背后的一些设计目标:
From its scenic location on the northern shore of lake ontario , toronto offers an ideal point of departure for visits to a variety of popular canadian destinations 从自然地理位置看,多伦多位于安大略湖北岸。她成为一个理想的旅游出发点,从多伦多起程,你可以很方便的到达很多加拿大的旅游胜地。
After lunch visit the peace park , which represents the best japanese art of gardening and which is also an ideal point to view the beautiful mt . fuji . afternoon sightseeing includes chinatown , raumen museum and tasaki pearl gallery 早餐后乘专车往电影悲情城市的实景场地九份参观,这个山城的四季景色及一些古旧遗迹吸引无数游人,还有很多地道特色的小食店。
In the model of supplier evaluation , two methods - the shortest distance from the most ideal point and the farthest distance from the least ideal point are discussed . in the end of the chapter 4 , the author poses the problem of optimization of procurement logistics 在第四章的最后,本文作者结合具体企业在采购运输过程中彝露的何题对采购摘要从bstract供应链管理下的采购研究物流优化进行了粗浅的讨论。
In ranking the indicator system of affecting cultivated land being selected into prime farmland has been built firstly , which is composed of 18 indicators involved in quality , location , policy attribute and administrative intervention of cultivated land . then based on the character of ranking , the idea of combination decision has been brought forward , ranking cultivated land synthetically with three ranking models including a model by similarity to ideal point , fuzzy optimization model and attribute hierarchy model . in three models the weights are based on hierarchy analysis and entropy weights , considering not only subjective partiality but also the intrinsic information of decision objects , which make the ranking results more scientific , reasonable and credible 在耕地综合排序中首先建立了耕地入选基本农田的决策指标体系,由耕地质量状况、区位条件、政策属性以及行政干预4大决策因素共18个决策指标构成;然后根据排序问题的特点,提出了“组合决策法”的思路,并采用逼近于理想点的排序模型( topsis ) 、模糊优选模型( fom )和属性层次模型( ahm )三种排序方法对耕地进行综合排序,每种排序模型中均采用基于层次分析法和熵权系数法确定的综合权重,既考虑决策者的主观偏好,又充分利用决策对象的固有信息,使排序结果更为科学、合理、可靠。